SC: I had good action and description in this piece of writing.
I found it hard to have lots of dialogue in my writing.
I enjoyed learning more about adding emotion and mood into my writing.
My writing
Astonished, Toad questioned him in mixed emotions, “ don’t you know who I am?”
“I don't actually, who are you?” the pilot replied in question. Puzzled, he frowned.
Toad, not minding him took a stroll towards the plane, dropping a few hundred bucks on the tar seal runway and he took off into the bright blue sky.
He yelled out to them, a simplifying message: “ see ya suckers,” as he jumped on board. Rat raised his eyebrow and scurried over to the pilot, to pat his back. The pilot’s body drooped, a few tears ran down his cheeks and he dropped to the ground.
Up in the air, Toad heard a beep-bla-beep, it freaked him out. It was coming from the petrol sign. Toad’s eyes widened.
Toad stuttered a horrible text. “ I… I… I…” Rat interrupted a hiss, “ say it already!” “ Oh alright! … I’m sorry!” He sorrowed.
At the blink of an eye, smoke puffed and poofed out of the gas holder. Sparks clicked and as soon as he new it, the plane was going down.
Toad felt a vibration beneath his feet. “ Jump!” boomed Mole. Toad obeyed his suggestion. No matter how much he disliked the pilot, he still asked for help.
“ Where are the parachutes?” Toad croaked. “ There attached to the back of the seat,” answered the pilot, in frustration. Toad hooked the parachutes onto his jacket.
Before he knew it, the plane was tipping.